Saturday, February 7, 2009

How it All Began

We are a family of 8 - Mom & Dad, 4 boys and 2 girls... We always have had a grocery budget, so to speak - some years more and some years less. But, about 3 years ago I was trying to figure out a way to reduce our grocery budget. When I say groceries I also mean shampoo, toothpaste, OTC medicine, laundry detergent, etc. as well as food. Anyway, 3 years ago I was trying to reduce our groceries to $250 every 2 weeks with another $50 only if needed. Well, of course, I always 'needed' it. It seems like I could never save that extra $50.

I finally realized that I was doing all I possibly knew how to do, and began to pray about it. I figured that God was the One who gave us 6 children (4 of whom are boys who would eat more and more as they grew) and He knew our financial situation. So I was sure He did not bless us with all of the kids only to not be able to feed them, and I finally left it in His hands.

In Sept. of 2006, a fellow homeschooler (whom I didn't know at the time) was offering a class on how to use coupons to save money. I was so there! I went in with the thought that I was OK with the amount of money I was spending (almost), I was more concerned with bringing more food into the house for the money I was spending. Well, God is so good! I am not only bringing more food into the house, but I am also saving money each month!!

I hope that this blog will be a place for me to organize and better plan my shopping and record my spending/saving.

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