Friday, February 19, 2010

Kroger this week

I didn't do alot of shopping this week, but I did make a quick stop one evening at Kroger to get some of the .99lb chicken breast.  I didn't take a picture of yucky raw chicken, but I bought 6 pkgs.

I like to buy a bunch when it is this price and cut my own to make boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then I freeze them in serving size portions.  But I have to admit that I totally despise cutting it and while I cut and hack at the chicken, I am contantly saying to myself "I'm saving over $1 a pound, I'm saving over $1 a pound!"  When I'm done hacking at the chicken (can you tell I SO love doing this job...HaHa!) I boil the leftover meat and bones and then take off the cooked meat and freeze it for chicken salad or to use in recipes that need cooked chicken.  Sometimes I will even be very efficient and use the stock for soup or to make a white sauce (well I guess it's not quite a white sauce when you use chicken stock - I think it is called some other kind of sauce).

I will probably go back and get some more at this price.  My freezer is low on chicken breasts (and other meat too, much to my dismay)  I guess I will be spending more soon to restock my freezer with meat!

Total OOP:  20.23

Almost forgot!  I did go one other time this week to Kroger - no picture :(  I had two rainchecks that were going to expire on the 16th...

2 Purex    2.49
6 Banquet meals  1.00  - .60/6 from inside pkg
1 pkg Kroger Swiss cheese slices  1.49
1 can Chef Boy ravioli  1.00
(-3.00 for Daytona sale)
12 Kroger peanut butter 1.00ea (used raincheck)
10 Pillsbury brownie mix 1.00 - 1/2 (used raincheck & coupons from a friend!  Thank you so much friend!!)

Total OOP:  27.92

I also shopped at Publix and Walmart.

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