Sunday, January 23, 2011

Three-fourths of a year!

I have been missing in action in regards to this blog for quite a while (three-fourths of a year!)  Occasionally I do think about it, but for the most part, to be honest, I don't think about it.  I am not a writer and don't absolutely love to write.  (I am more of a math person)  It is very time consuming in my opinion to keep writing posts to put on the blog...which I don't have a lot of time to do that. 

Plus the added fact that I don't use coupons like I did;  mostly because I don't buy those foods anymore.  But I still use some items that have coupons.   I guess I could write about the changes that have happened since April and what changed my mind and if we no longer eat all the same kinds of food then what do we eat and how much does it all I do have some things to write about. 

I think it actually would be fun to compare what I did spend on food and other products, to what I spend now, after all, I still have to feed all 8 of us!