Friday, December 4, 2009

Long Time - No Post

Boy, it has been almost SEVEN months since I've posted! I haven't used coupons much until the past few weeks. We've just been eating what we've had and added milk, eggs, produce, etc. We finally were to the end of what we had and it is now time to stock up again. So, I reorganized my coupons back into my smaller binder, and away we go!

Since May I have been taking out $100 cash each week and did not go over. In fact, I quite often had $20-$40 left at the end of the week. Then there were a few good meat sales and I was able to take advantage of those.

I've had two good weeks of stockpiling some things and will post details later this weekend. I might even try to figure out how to post pictures on here too. It would be fun to go back and look at them later.

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