Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Haven't been to Target in awhile either!

Here is another store I haven't shopped at for a long time...Target.  But the cereal deal was too good to pass up.  Especially since Mini-Wheats is an absolute favorite in our house and the kids haven't had them in forever it seems like.

While there, I found a few other things we could use too.  Didn't save a whole lot, but it was stuff we could use.
4 boxes Kelloggs cereal   2.50ea  used  2  $1/2
2 boxes Grapenuts     3.17ea   used $1/2
1 Tide fresheners    3.48 clearance (not sure if good price, but thought I would put them in closets - especially the boys' closets!)
6 cans Alpo            .64ea   2  $1/3
1 box Up trash bags  6.78 clearance
1 Bandaids              1.54    used 1/1
3 rolls tape    .55 ea  clearance
1 60ct Dentyne ice   2.08  clearance

Total OOP:  31.32

I got back a GC for $5 (Kelloggs cereal)  and if I had even looked at my coupons I could have used the 1.50/1 Dentyne and then they would have been .58!  Oh well...

ETA:  Went back and got some more cereal and even some PopTarts!  Sshhhh!  Kids don't know that we have them yet!  Trying to keep them as a surprise!  We'll see how long we can keep that secret...HaHaHa!
That was 5.29

ETA: Went  back and got more cereal and splurged on my favorite Easter candy (didn't get any last year at all)
3pk Wrigley's 5 gum  2.50 (for DS17 - who consumer judged and single packs were 2.25ish)
1 bag Cadbury mini eggs  2.66 (on sale)
4 boxes cereal   2.50ea

Used $5 GC and 2 $1/2 coupons:  Total OOP:  8.46

Went once again to let the 4 youngest kids buy a scooter (they had saved enough money so that each of them could buy their own)  Thanks to the wonderful cashier that patiently checked each one out and helped the two youngest to count their money!  
Anyway, while there, I checked the Kelloggs cereal and they had plenty on the shelf, so I bought 4 more boxes.  And then I turned the corner and found Grape Nuts at even a lower price; DH had loved the 2 boxes I found earlier this week (still have one of the original two), so I got 4 more boxes.

  3 boxes Mini-Wheats  2.50ea   used 2 $1/2
 1 box Raisin bran    2.54
6 cans Alpo  .64ea   used  $1/3
4 Grape Nuts cereal   2.61ea   used 2  $1/2

Used my $5 GC from previous purchase, so my Total OOP was $14.05 and I have another $5 GC.

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