Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kroger - Stock up on chicken

It is time to stock up on chicken again.  The last time I bought chicken was Feb. 19 and I had intended to stock up more then, but ran out of time to prepare it for the freezer.  I have a little more time now and plan on stocking up a bit.

I like to buy a bunch when it is this price and cut my own to make boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then I freeze them in serving size portions.  But I have to admit that I totally despise cutting it and while I cut and hack at the chicken, I am contantly saying to myself "I'm saving over $1 a pound, I'm saving over $1 a pound!"  When I'm done hacking at the chicken (can you tell I SO love doing this job and am SO good at it too!...HaHa!) I boil the leftover meat and bones and then take off the cooked meat and freeze it for chicken salad or to use in recipes that need cooked chicken.  Sometimes I will even be very efficient and use the stock for soup or to make a white sauce (well I guess it's not quite a white sauce when you use chicken stock - I think it is called some other kind of sauce).  There is an added benefit of being able to store more in the freezer as well.

Here's what I got:
19.6 lbs chicken breast   .99 lb
1 sirloin steak (can't remember the size)  5.53  Mgr Special
1 wheat bread   .79  Mgr Spec
1 can green beans  .39
1 can beets      .29
1 can hominy    .39
1 can corn       .39   (all cans were mgr spec)
1 small bottle Odwalla juice    .79  mgr spec  (DS7 was thirsty and I am trying to get him to eat more fruit)

Total OOP:  28.89
Didn't use a bit of coupons this time but saved:   16.39

Trip #2
No picture because the Snickers are for Easter baskets and I didn't want to lay them all out for the kids to see.
ETA:  Guess I took a picture of some of it.  And I totally forgot about the beef I found too:

20 lbs chicken
8 Snickers bars   2/1.00  used  .50/2 dbl  =  FREE
1 pkg hot dog buns    .49   mgr spec
2 lb bag mini cut carrots   1.49   mgr spec

Total OOP:  31.50 ?  can't remember exactly

Wanted to add a forgotten Kroger run for milk last week.
4 gal milk  1.99 ea

Total OOP:  8.20

Third Kroger trip:
I was right next to Kroger, so decided I would stop in and shop the $4 off 8 products March into Savings sale.

3 pkgs shredded Mozarella cheese   .99 ea   used   3   $2/2  =  free
 3 pkgs cheddar cheese    .99ea   =  free w/ above coupons
6 pkgs parmesan cheese  .99 ea    used  3   .50/2 dbl   =  .49 ea
8 Snickers   2/$1   used  4  .50/2 dbl  =  free
6 pkgs Irish Spring soap (for my dad)  1.00 ea   used  3  $ .50/2 dbl  =  .50 ea
6 Powerade  .49 ea  used $1/2 catalina and .55/2 Kroger coupon
3  SunnyD    1.00ea  used  3  .25/1 dbl  =  .50ea
4 lbs bananas  .39 lb
2 Yakisoba   .79ea  used 2  .50/1  =  free (no overage)
1 Bottom Round Roast  8.24  Mgr Spec   (originally was 13.54)

1.49 ecoupon came off total (from playing game)
So my total before coupons & sales:  93.46
Total OOP:   $19.51 

At least some of the cheese will qualify for the Kraft buy $20, get $2 OYNO coupon.  The coupon will print out in about a week. 

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