Saturday, February 21, 2009


1st Kroger trip

6 boxes MultiGrain cheerios 1.67ea
1 bowl sliced apples mgr special 1.79
2 canteloupes 1.78ea
2 'protein; bars .39ea (yuck!- glad I don't pay full price)

-6 .50/1 doubled

Found a gift card in my purse! I don't know where it came from, but my OOP = $0

I'll save the remaining $7.10 to get newspapers this weekend.

2nd Kroger trip

3 Deer Park water, 24pk 1.99ea
4 Kroger butter 1.68ea
1 can peaches .49
1 bowl apples 1.49
4 bread .99ea
4 hamburger/hotdog buns .59ea
1 whole wheat bread 1.19

Seems like there was something else, but I can't remember what.

Total OOP $23.xx

Rite Aid - Feb. 21

2 search & find books - clearanced @ 1.49ea (reg 2.99)
1 plush Valentine animal - clearanced @ 3.99 (reg 7.99)
1 Suave hairspray
2 RA cough drops
12 Hershey candy bars BOGO

-3/1 Suave
-6 (.88) BOGO Hersheys

Total OOP $4.10

I think I would have done less OOP if I had used my FREE Crest weekly clean, but I just didn't want to even pay 1.49 for that. I want to see if I can find it free somewhere else.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 13 Shopping Trip - Kroger

I just found a receipt from last week's shopping, so I thought I'd post it since it was a pretty good one.

10 1lb pkgs ground turkey (used RC) 10.00
10 Nestle Nesquik singles (used RC) 10.00
1 pork loin 9.02 mgr special 1.49lb
1 pork loin 8.19 mgr special 1.49lb
8 1/2 gal milk .99ea 7.92 - that's 1.98 gallon!

Coupons used:
10 .50/1 Nestle -10.00
Rx credit -27.25

Total OOP $8.06
so basically I paid for the milk only!

I used 2 rainchecks that were expiring that day, stumbled upon the pork loin on mgr special for 1.49 lb (I ususally save my Rx credit to stock up on meat), and 1/2 gal milk is normally 1.79 - on sale for 1.50 - marked in-store special .99ea. We ended up going back and getting 16 more. My store had tons of it for .99 with an expiration date of 2-17 & 2-18. I froze most of it and we'll take out 1 or 2 at a time to thaw.

Big Lots - 2/17

I haven't posted any grocery shopping this week, since I haven't spent anything yet. Well, technically I did buy candy BINGO prizes for my evening class, so I did spend a bit.

Big Lots
2 bags Tootsie Rolls 4.20

Total: $4.20

I will go shopping, but it will probably be late Friday afternoon or I'll wait til Saturday this time. Not my favorite time to shop, but that's what works into my schedule this week.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

This Week's Menu - 2/15 - 2/21

I probably need to start including my weekly menu. I need to do this on Sunday rather than Monday as I see that most people do. I usually hit the ground running Monday morning and if it isn't already done - well, I end up winging it for the week or until I realize I need to do the menu plan. So, here is this week's menu. I just plan 7 meals and then decide each night which fits best into the schedule.

1. Pork loin roast, mashed potatos, steamed frozen veggies
2. Chicken helper, veggies (use cooked chicken from freezer)
3. Hamburger steak, homemade baked fries, veggies
4. BBQ chicken breast, buttered pasta, veggies
5. Something using leftover pork loin - perhaps pot pie type meal (have Pillsbury pizza crust to use up)
6. Chicken & broccoli & rice casserole, salad
7. Soup with leftovers from week, cornbread muffins

This week's menu is totally from my stockpile, so I do not need to buy anything this week. I totally love to go shopping out of my freezer for meals!

But I will look to see what I might like to add to my stockpile for cheap and what is free.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

How it All Began

We are a family of 8 - Mom & Dad, 4 boys and 2 girls... We always have had a grocery budget, so to speak - some years more and some years less. But, about 3 years ago I was trying to figure out a way to reduce our grocery budget. When I say groceries I also mean shampoo, toothpaste, OTC medicine, laundry detergent, etc. as well as food. Anyway, 3 years ago I was trying to reduce our groceries to $250 every 2 weeks with another $50 only if needed. Well, of course, I always 'needed' it. It seems like I could never save that extra $50.

I finally realized that I was doing all I possibly knew how to do, and began to pray about it. I figured that God was the One who gave us 6 children (4 of whom are boys who would eat more and more as they grew) and He knew our financial situation. So I was sure He did not bless us with all of the kids only to not be able to feed them, and I finally left it in His hands.

In Sept. of 2006, a fellow homeschooler (whom I didn't know at the time) was offering a class on how to use coupons to save money. I was so there! I went in with the thought that I was OK with the amount of money I was spending (almost), I was more concerned with bringing more food into the house for the money I was spending. Well, God is so good! I am not only bringing more food into the house, but I am also saving money each month!!

I hope that this blog will be a place for me to organize and better plan my shopping and record my spending/saving.