Saturday, February 21, 2009


1st Kroger trip

6 boxes MultiGrain cheerios 1.67ea
1 bowl sliced apples mgr special 1.79
2 canteloupes 1.78ea
2 'protein; bars .39ea (yuck!- glad I don't pay full price)

-6 .50/1 doubled

Found a gift card in my purse! I don't know where it came from, but my OOP = $0

I'll save the remaining $7.10 to get newspapers this weekend.

2nd Kroger trip

3 Deer Park water, 24pk 1.99ea
4 Kroger butter 1.68ea
1 can peaches .49
1 bowl apples 1.49
4 bread .99ea
4 hamburger/hotdog buns .59ea
1 whole wheat bread 1.19

Seems like there was something else, but I can't remember what.

Total OOP $23.xx

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