Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Feb 13 Shopping Trip - Kroger

I just found a receipt from last week's shopping, so I thought I'd post it since it was a pretty good one.

10 1lb pkgs ground turkey (used RC) 10.00
10 Nestle Nesquik singles (used RC) 10.00
1 pork loin 9.02 mgr special 1.49lb
1 pork loin 8.19 mgr special 1.49lb
8 1/2 gal milk .99ea 7.92 - that's 1.98 gallon!

Coupons used:
10 .50/1 Nestle -10.00
Rx credit -27.25

Total OOP $8.06
so basically I paid for the milk only!

I used 2 rainchecks that were expiring that day, stumbled upon the pork loin on mgr special for 1.49 lb (I ususally save my Rx credit to stock up on meat), and 1/2 gal milk is normally 1.79 - on sale for 1.50 - marked in-store special .99ea. We ended up going back and getting 16 more. My store had tons of it for .99 with an expiration date of 2-17 & 2-18. I froze most of it and we'll take out 1 or 2 at a time to thaw.

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