Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some of my very early Cakes - from 2007

Thought I'd share some of my other cakes:

Some I can't remember the occasion but there was something going on.  Some might have been re-doing the cake done during the decorating class.  They all were from very early on when I first started decorating...

I think I redid one from class for this one.

Just liked the way this one looked (the professional one that is).  Mine turned out very 'not smooth'...

This one was for our church's tech team meeting.  Very appropriate since it was a tech team member's birthday!

First time doing those swag things...

DH asked for this one for a friend going to Iraq.

Tried to reproduce in my own way a cake I found somewhere.  I just don't know where it was...but their's was much prettier than mine turned out.  I think at the time, I just wanted to see if I could find the pattern and 'prove' that it wasn't that difficult.

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