Thursday, March 11, 2010

I wanted Homemade Chili - stopped at Kroger

Well, it was cold and I wanted chili over baked potatoes (hence the 20 lbs of potatoes)  plus we were out of coffee! (I know I still have another coffee 'somewhere', but can't seem to find it!  So I bought another one and (hiding my face...) I didn't even look at the price!  Eeek!

While there, I took a quick look at the mark-down meat and found a roast.  I got some hamburger meat for the chili basically just to save time so I wouldn't have to thaw frozen meat. 

And then I found those cute little 'steak thingies wrapped in bacon' for .99.  Don't know what they are, never had them before, but we're going to try them for .99.  One problem though...2 steak thingies - 8 people.  How's this going to work?

I was getting a few things for my dad since he couldn't get out.  Those things are not pictured as I took them to my dad.  He will pay me for his stuff.

Ground beef  6.76
Chuck steak  4.90
Eggs        1.39
trash bags  2.99
2 'steak thingies'  .99ea  orig 2.50ea
3 Hershey morsels  1.39ea  orig ? (they were mgr special)
Kroger tea bags   2.79
Odwalla juice  .79  mgr spec  orig ?  (not pictured)
5 Kroger kidney beans  .69ea (for chili)
2 Kroger bread  1.00ea
2 10lb potatoes  3.99ea (could have saved money going somewhere else, but...I didn't)
2 big Hershey candy bars  .90ea (mgr special - not pictured, gave them to my dad)
1 Kroger peanut butter  2.49  (for dad)
2 Kroger wheat bread  .78ea (for dad)
2 boxes cookies  1.09ea (for dad)

Total OOP:  $61.21 (my part was $43.87)
Not sure how much I saved:  reciept says  a whopping  $3.48

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