Thursday, March 11, 2010

Look what else I found at Publix!

While shopping yesterday for Dole fruit cups for my Dad yesterday, I spotted a few deals for me (and the cat!)  You can see Marmalade appreciated the food we got for her; and that is as far as she got on the table - thank goodness for all that Lysol spray I stocked up on way last year!

4 bags Goodlife cat food  (used Raincheck) 2.25ea - 2/1  =  .25ea
4 bottles Aunt Jemima syrup  1.90ea  - 1/2  =  1.40ea  (Thank you! to a friend for reminding me about this one!)
1 Ovaltine  4.29  - 1/1 Target printable coupon  (we haven't had this in YEARS!)
5 Bertolli pasta sauce  1.35 - .60/1  =  .84ea
8 Dole fruit cups for Dad  2.65/2 - .50/2 dbl  =  .82ea
2 Quaker granola bars 1.49ea - 1/2 Kroger coupon = .99ea
2 Captain crunch cereal  1.99ea - 1/2 Kroger coupon =  1.49ea
3 1lb strawberries  3/$5 sale price
6 Yakisoba  .79ea  -  .50/1 dbl =  -.21ea
Ruffles chips  Free (grandpa bought them for the kids!)

Total before coupons and sale:  96.20
Total OOP:   $31.50

Check out my other shopping trip:  Publix (24.60) Bertolli and Dole fruit cups!

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