Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Binder is Back!!

I am SO HAPPY!  My binder is back!  DH saw how sad I was about my binder breaking and asked my oldest DS to see if he could fix it.  I'm not sure if DH told him what to do to fix it or if DS figured this out on his own, but I owe them a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!

I had already transfered my pages to the new old binder, and it just isn't as easy for me to use.  It has 2 sets of rings, and back when I used it regularly, I had food on one side and non-food on the other.  Seems like it would work great, but I just prefer it to be altogether just one page for food and one page for non-food for each letter of the alphabet.  Works for me better than having to flip back and forth from side to side.

I don't think the fix looks too bad, but I am now noticing how dirty my binder is.  Oh well.  I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for another new one.  It will be fun to see if I can find one for close to what I paid for this binder, $2.48.

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