Friday, April 2, 2010

Only entered one store this week!

I didn't do much shopping this week - no time for it, plus after all that shopping a few weeks ago, we didn't need much.  No time to shop, so no time for pictures :(  In fact, as excited as I was about my binder being fixed, I still have not transferred everything back over to it.  Maybe this week...

However, I did send DH for dog food and milk (actually I didn't even notice we were low on them and he just did the shopping this week).
Oops - we went through a lot of milk!  I just found the receipts - DH bought 6 gallons this week!  But we still have over 3 1/2, so that is good.    Spent $24.80  ($15.19 in March, $9.61 in April)
One evening I was looking for a quick meal and remembered we had lots of hot dogs, so I sent DS and DD to the store for buns and chips - gave them $13 (all the cash I had) and told them to give me back the change.  No change - they spent $14 something

I went to Dollar General and got a few items for Easter baskets and for a classroom demonstration (I teach math in the evenings) about fractions.  Spent $25'ish for all of that.  Some of what I bought comes out of a different budget (gifts).  I don't have my receipt handy, so I am estimating that $5 was grocery money.

So, this week we have spent $44.30

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