Friday, April 16, 2010

I am still around - just not shopping much

I thought I had better post at least 'something' here. Since this is a place to record shopping, I have tried to only post results of shopping here. Problem is, I haven't done a lot of shopping lately. Well, maybe it isn't a problem, but up til now, I haven't had much to post about.

I did go a couple times for bread, milk, fruit, and eggs and I will post those in the monthly totals on the sidebar; but I haven't done much shopping other than that. We have been eating from the pantry stockpile for about 3 weeks now. We are down to about a week's worth of meat left in the freezer (maybe 1.5 weeks), so I will definitely be getting out a bit more.

So, what have I been doing in all my spare time from shopping?
Since March 19 was my last 'real' shopping post, I have had: a birthday, 2 out of town trips, quarter break where I teach math-which translates to no students, but get ready for a new quarter by organizing, planning and finding things to do in class hence a break from students but not work. I have had an out of town meeting, Passover sedar with family, beginning of new quarter (new students), Easter, another birthday, and homeschooling the six.

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