Thursday, February 4, 2010

Coupon Preview for Feb. 7

I usually try to find a coupon preview to help me determine whether I should buy papers or simply order my coupons from a clipping service.  In previous years I always bought 10 papers each week, but as my stockpile grew and I learned what I buy and don't buy, I gradually have changed to just paying a clipping service to clip and send the coupons that I need.  I generally do not spend any more than what I was paying for papers each week, plus I get only the coupons I use and in the quantities that I need.

With all that said, I think that I may revert back to buying papers (just for this week), since there are so many good ones.  I think it will be more cost effective to purchase my 10 papers!

Thanks to Christie at Big Fat Piggy Bank for the great preview!  She is in FL, so the coupons should be fairly close to the same here and you can see the preview there.

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