Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Binder is Back!!

I am SO HAPPY!  My binder is back!  DH saw how sad I was about my binder breaking and asked my oldest DS to see if he could fix it.  I'm not sure if DH told him what to do to fix it or if DS figured this out on his own, but I owe them a GREAT BIG THANK YOU!!

I had already transfered my pages to the new old binder, and it just isn't as easy for me to use.  It has 2 sets of rings, and back when I used it regularly, I had food on one side and non-food on the other.  Seems like it would work great, but I just prefer it to be altogether just one page for food and one page for non-food for each letter of the alphabet.  Works for me better than having to flip back and forth from side to side.

I don't think the fix looks too bad, but I am now noticing how dirty my binder is.  Oh well.  I guess I'll have to keep my eyes open for another new one.  It will be fun to see if I can find one for close to what I paid for this binder, $2.48.

Kroger - Saved 80%

I only went shopping once last week - to Kroger. I only needed milk, bread, eggs, bananas and sugar. But I found a few deals that I couldn't pass up.

Here is what I ended up getting:

8 3pks Irish Spring 1.00 - .50/2 dbl = .50ea
4 lbs bananas .39lb
8 pkg Sargento parmesan cheese .99ea wyb 8 - .50/2 dbl = .49ea
1 gal milk   2.18
4 SunnyD   1.00 - .25/1 dbl  =  .50ea
2 loaves bread  .78ea
8 pkg Mozerella cheese  .99 wyb 8 - 2/2 = -.01ea
7 pkg cheddar cheese shredded .99 wyb 8 - (3) $2/2 and (1) $1/1 = -.01ea
1 block cheddar cheese .99 - 1/1 = -.01ea
1 head lettuce  .69
1 18 ct eggs  1.99
3 pkg Bridgeford 10 pk hamburger patties  4.99ea (store spec - reg 9.99ea)
1 4lb bag Dixie Crystals sugar  2.69 - .50/1 dbl =  1.69ea

Total before card, sales, coupons:  $154.66
Total OOP:   $31.26

Linked to:  Wednesday Weekly Shopping at Frugal Follies
Linked to:  Couponing to Disney
Linked to:  Coupon SUPER Savers at Coupon Saving Game
Linked to:  Weekly Totals at I Heart Publix  
Linked to:  Super Savings Saturday @ Money Saving Mom

Friday, March 19, 2010

Publix - Laundry Detergent & pizza!

Ran by Publix to use the rest of my All coupons and stock up on Tombstone pizza. Also bought a few of the V-Fusion - my kids LOVE this! And I will only buy it on sale w/ a coupon. So I will most likely go back and get some more, so you will probably see a few more later on.

And I decided to go ahead and use my RainCheck for Goodlife Cat food.

6 Tombstone pizzas   2.90ea  used  $3/2  =  1.40ea
5 All laundry detergent  2.99ea  used  $2/1  =  .99ea
3 V-Fusion juice   1.99ea  used  .75/1  =  1.24ea
6 bags Goodlife cat food  used RC  2.25ea  used $2/1  =  .25ea

Total before coupons & sales:  103.31
Total OOP:  $29.80

Went over budget for these two weeks!

This week I did a lot of shopping for our stockpile and stocked up on some meat too. I ended up spending more than usual – $208.99!            But I saved $326.25.

I bought 40 lbs of chicken (picture of 1 of 2 transactions) and several steaks and a roast; that was $62.50 of the $208.

I was able to stock up on cereal, and it is one of our favorite kinds too, so I bought a bunch.  (1 of several transactions)

Here’s where I went and how much I spent:

Store                          Total Spent                             Total Saved
Walmart                     $15.65                                          $16.00               to see what I bought)    
Publix                          $28.65                                         $113.78
Total                           $208.99                                         $336.25

And if you're interested, 
here's a list of what I purchased for my $208

7 bottles Dawn .97ea
1 Nivea lip care 2.99
1 2L bottle Coke 1.34
1 Charmin TP 5.97

12 boxes Mini-Wheats  2.50ea  
 4 box Raisin bran    2.54
6 Grape Nuts cereal   2.61ea  
3pk Wrigley's 5 gum  2.50
1 bag Cadbury mini eggs  2.66
1 Tide fresheners    3.48
12 cans Alpo            .64ea  
1 box Up trash bags  6.78
1 Band-Aids              1.54   
3 rolls tape    .55 ea 
1 60ct Dentyne ice   2.08 
4 12ct Pop Tarts  2.50ea

3 pkgs shredded Mozzarella cheese   .99 ea  
 3 pkgs cheddar cheese    .99ea  
6 pkgs parmesan cheese  .99 ea   
16 Snickers   2/$1  
6 pkgs Irish Spring soap   1.00 ea  
6 PowerAde  .49 ea 
3  SunnyD    1.00ea 
4 lbs bananas  .39 lb
2 Yakisoba   .79ea 
1 Bottom Round Roast  8.24 
39.6 lbs chicken
2 pkgs steak 
1 pkg hot dog buns    .49  
2 lb bag mini cut carrots   1.49  
4 gal milk  1.99 ea
1.85 lbs sirloin steak   5.53 
1 wheat bread   .79 
1 can green beans  .39
1 can beets      .29
1 can hominy    .39
1 can corn       .39  
1 small bottle Odwalla juice    .79 

6 Tombstone pizzas   2.90ea
3 All detergent   2.99ea 
10 pkgs Hebrew National hotdogs  2.50ea 
8 YoPlus yogurt  1.25ea 
6 bags Goodlife cat food  4.49 ea 
2 Fruit chillers  1.67ea 
5 Land O Lakes butter  .95ea 
2 Yakisoba  .79  
30 cans Alpo   .67ea 
6 boxes  Seapak shrimp poppers   1.58ea 

Linked to:  Wednesday Weekly Shopping 
Linked to:  Couponing to Disney
Linked to:  Coupon Saving Game
Linked to:  Weekly Totals at I Heart Publix

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm Sad...may my coupon binder rest in peace.

So, I use a binder with baseball card pages to organize my coupons. I have them alphabetized by product name. I have one page for food items and one page for non-food items for each letter of the alphabet.  I found that I have gradually changed to shopping by product name rather than type.  I no longer think "Hey, I need shampoo - let's see what shampoo coupons I have."  Now I think, "Powerade is on sale, do I have a coupon for Powerade?"

I also have one page for Publix, Kroger, and a page for the remaining stores I will shop at during the current week) in which I put my coupons that I will need for that shopping trip.  So I have all that I need in front of the binder and the others too.

When I open the binder I should see something like this...

Instead, I see something like this...

Time to toss this wonderful binder and get a new one.  Actually, I have one that I used and then found this one that I liked better.  So I guess I will go back to the 'old' one until I can find another like this.  I think I am more worried about finding one at the great price I got this red one - $2.48 at Target about 2 and a half years ago.

Kroger - Stock up on chicken

It is time to stock up on chicken again.  The last time I bought chicken was Feb. 19 and I had intended to stock up more then, but ran out of time to prepare it for the freezer.  I have a little more time now and plan on stocking up a bit.

I like to buy a bunch when it is this price and cut my own to make boneless, skinless chicken breasts and then I freeze them in serving size portions.  But I have to admit that I totally despise cutting it and while I cut and hack at the chicken, I am contantly saying to myself "I'm saving over $1 a pound, I'm saving over $1 a pound!"  When I'm done hacking at the chicken (can you tell I SO love doing this job and am SO good at it too!...HaHa!) I boil the leftover meat and bones and then take off the cooked meat and freeze it for chicken salad or to use in recipes that need cooked chicken.  Sometimes I will even be very efficient and use the stock for soup or to make a white sauce (well I guess it's not quite a white sauce when you use chicken stock - I think it is called some other kind of sauce).  There is an added benefit of being able to store more in the freezer as well.

Here's what I got:
19.6 lbs chicken breast   .99 lb
1 sirloin steak (can't remember the size)  5.53  Mgr Special
1 wheat bread   .79  Mgr Spec
1 can green beans  .39
1 can beets      .29
1 can hominy    .39
1 can corn       .39   (all cans were mgr spec)
1 small bottle Odwalla juice    .79  mgr spec  (DS7 was thirsty and I am trying to get him to eat more fruit)

Total OOP:  28.89
Didn't use a bit of coupons this time but saved:   16.39

Trip #2
No picture because the Snickers are for Easter baskets and I didn't want to lay them all out for the kids to see.
ETA:  Guess I took a picture of some of it.  And I totally forgot about the beef I found too:

20 lbs chicken
8 Snickers bars   2/1.00  used  .50/2 dbl  =  FREE
1 pkg hot dog buns    .49   mgr spec
2 lb bag mini cut carrots   1.49   mgr spec

Total OOP:  31.50 ?  can't remember exactly

Wanted to add a forgotten Kroger run for milk last week.
4 gal milk  1.99 ea

Total OOP:  8.20

Third Kroger trip:
I was right next to Kroger, so decided I would stop in and shop the $4 off 8 products March into Savings sale.

3 pkgs shredded Mozarella cheese   .99 ea   used   3   $2/2  =  free
 3 pkgs cheddar cheese    .99ea   =  free w/ above coupons
6 pkgs parmesan cheese  .99 ea    used  3   .50/2 dbl   =  .49 ea
8 Snickers   2/$1   used  4  .50/2 dbl  =  free
6 pkgs Irish Spring soap (for my dad)  1.00 ea   used  3  $ .50/2 dbl  =  .50 ea
6 Powerade  .49 ea  used $1/2 catalina and .55/2 Kroger coupon
3  SunnyD    1.00ea  used  3  .25/1 dbl  =  .50ea
4 lbs bananas  .39 lb
2 Yakisoba   .79ea  used 2  .50/1  =  free (no overage)
1 Bottom Round Roast  8.24  Mgr Spec   (originally was 13.54)

1.49 ecoupon came off total (from playing game)
So my total before coupons & sales:  93.46
Total OOP:   $19.51 

At least some of the cheese will qualify for the Kraft buy $20, get $2 OYNO coupon.  The coupon will print out in about a week. 

Haven't been to Target in awhile either!

Here is another store I haven't shopped at for a long time...Target.  But the cereal deal was too good to pass up.  Especially since Mini-Wheats is an absolute favorite in our house and the kids haven't had them in forever it seems like.

While there, I found a few other things we could use too.  Didn't save a whole lot, but it was stuff we could use.
4 boxes Kelloggs cereal   2.50ea  used  2  $1/2
2 boxes Grapenuts     3.17ea   used $1/2
1 Tide fresheners    3.48 clearance (not sure if good price, but thought I would put them in closets - especially the boys' closets!)
6 cans Alpo            .64ea   2  $1/3
1 box Up trash bags  6.78 clearance
1 Bandaids              1.54    used 1/1
3 rolls tape    .55 ea  clearance
1 60ct Dentyne ice   2.08  clearance

Total OOP:  31.32

I got back a GC for $5 (Kelloggs cereal)  and if I had even looked at my coupons I could have used the 1.50/1 Dentyne and then they would have been .58!  Oh well...

ETA:  Went back and got some more cereal and even some PopTarts!  Sshhhh!  Kids don't know that we have them yet!  Trying to keep them as a surprise!  We'll see how long we can keep that secret...HaHaHa!
That was 5.29

ETA: Went  back and got more cereal and splurged on my favorite Easter candy (didn't get any last year at all)
3pk Wrigley's 5 gum  2.50 (for DS17 - who consumer judged and single packs were 2.25ish)
1 bag Cadbury mini eggs  2.66 (on sale)
4 boxes cereal   2.50ea

Used $5 GC and 2 $1/2 coupons:  Total OOP:  8.46

Went once again to let the 4 youngest kids buy a scooter (they had saved enough money so that each of them could buy their own)  Thanks to the wonderful cashier that patiently checked each one out and helped the two youngest to count their money!  
Anyway, while there, I checked the Kelloggs cereal and they had plenty on the shelf, so I bought 4 more boxes.  And then I turned the corner and found Grape Nuts at even a lower price; DH had loved the 2 boxes I found earlier this week (still have one of the original two), so I got 4 more boxes.

  3 boxes Mini-Wheats  2.50ea   used 2 $1/2
 1 box Raisin bran    2.54
6 cans Alpo  .64ea   used  $1/3
4 Grape Nuts cereal   2.61ea   used 2  $1/2

Used my $5 GC from previous purchase, so my Total OOP was $14.05 and I have another $5 GC.

Finally went to CVS!

I have not been to any CVS in a very long time...why?  A very silly reason, but I can't park my 15-passeger van in my local CVS's parking lot!  Since DH and I 'traded' vehicles with each other, I can't go to CVS!  Not that I was too upset about it.  CVS (for me) takes too long to figure out and I would never find the items in stock and I was not too good at getting things for the same low prices as other people could do.  So it ended up not being worth my time.

But now, CVS has opened a new store very close to my house...and I can park my van there too!  So I visited the new store.  I didn't do great, but considering I waited until late Saturday night to go (and the only reason I went then was I found out that we were down to 1 roll of toilet paper in a house with 8 people and 3 bathrooms!)  Yikes!  So, I dug out my coupons and 'got back into CVS'ing.

Here is what I ended up with:

7 bottles Dawn .97ea (no coupons)
1 Nivea lip care 2.99 1/1 any Nivea product
1 2L bottle Coke 1.34
1 Charmin TP 5.97

used $5/15 Rec'd in mail for Grand Opening
1.99/1 Free 2L coke for Grand Opening (not sure why it took off 1.99?)
1/1 any Nivea product Manuf coupon
.25/1 Charmin

Paid OOP w/tax: 9.53
Rec'd: 1 ECB (Charmin) and 2.99 ECB (Nivea)

Not the greatest, but I was happy that for basically what I would have paid for the TP, I also got Dawn and Nivea.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Look what else I found at Publix!

While shopping yesterday for Dole fruit cups for my Dad yesterday, I spotted a few deals for me (and the cat!)  You can see Marmalade appreciated the food we got for her; and that is as far as she got on the table - thank goodness for all that Lysol spray I stocked up on way last year!

4 bags Goodlife cat food  (used Raincheck) 2.25ea - 2/1  =  .25ea
4 bottles Aunt Jemima syrup  1.90ea  - 1/2  =  1.40ea  (Thank you! to a friend for reminding me about this one!)
1 Ovaltine  4.29  - 1/1 Target printable coupon  (we haven't had this in YEARS!)
5 Bertolli pasta sauce  1.35 - .60/1  =  .84ea
8 Dole fruit cups for Dad  2.65/2 - .50/2 dbl  =  .82ea
2 Quaker granola bars 1.49ea - 1/2 Kroger coupon = .99ea
2 Captain crunch cereal  1.99ea - 1/2 Kroger coupon =  1.49ea
3 1lb strawberries  3/$5 sale price
6 Yakisoba  .79ea  -  .50/1 dbl =  -.21ea
Ruffles chips  Free (grandpa bought them for the kids!)

Total before coupons and sale:  96.20
Total OOP:   $31.50

Check out my other shopping trip:  Publix (24.60) Bertolli and Dole fruit cups!

Publix time!

We got back from our busy weekend and I wanted to stock up on the Dole fruit bowls while they were BOGO at Publix.  I wanted to get them for my Dad since he loves them and always buys them regardless of price.  My plan is to stock up and when he wants them I will 'shop at my house unbeknownst to him' and save him some money.  He will use coupons, but does not understand the stockpile principle.  Plus when I shop with or for him, he will pay $5.76 for just 2 packages of these things!  Without blinking an eyelash!  Yikes! His response: "Yeah, but they're good!"

Here we go:
2 Ruffles 3.99/2 (yeah, more chips...we've had sick folks in our house and chips for whatever reason is what we crave when we are sick...)
12 pkgs Dole fruit cups  1.32ea - .50/2  =  .82ea (vs. 2.65ea!)
2 hot dog buns  1.17ea
2 pkgs hot dogs 2.99 and 3.99ea   -3.99 Q (Kroger Q for free OM hot dogs) cashier took off higher priced ones!  Thank you!  I wasn't planning on that one!)
6 Bertolli pasta sauce  1.35ea - .60/1  = .75ea

Total OOP:  24.60
Total before Q and sales:  66.05

I went back the next day and... Look what else I found at Publix! (31.50)

Linked to: Weekly Wednesday Shopping
Linked to: Coupon Saving Game
Linked to: I Heart Publix

I wanted Homemade Chili - stopped at Kroger

Well, it was cold and I wanted chili over baked potatoes (hence the 20 lbs of potatoes)  plus we were out of coffee! (I know I still have another coffee 'somewhere', but can't seem to find it!  So I bought another one and (hiding my face...) I didn't even look at the price!  Eeek!

While there, I took a quick look at the mark-down meat and found a roast.  I got some hamburger meat for the chili basically just to save time so I wouldn't have to thaw frozen meat. 

And then I found those cute little 'steak thingies wrapped in bacon' for .99.  Don't know what they are, never had them before, but we're going to try them for .99.  One problem though...2 steak thingies - 8 people.  How's this going to work?

I was getting a few things for my dad since he couldn't get out.  Those things are not pictured as I took them to my dad.  He will pay me for his stuff.

Ground beef  6.76
Chuck steak  4.90
Eggs        1.39
trash bags  2.99
2 'steak thingies'  .99ea  orig 2.50ea
3 Hershey morsels  1.39ea  orig ? (they were mgr special)
Kroger tea bags   2.79
Odwalla juice  .79  mgr spec  orig ?  (not pictured)
5 Kroger kidney beans  .69ea (for chili)
2 Kroger bread  1.00ea
2 10lb potatoes  3.99ea (could have saved money going somewhere else, but...I didn't)
2 big Hershey candy bars  .90ea (mgr special - not pictured, gave them to my dad)
1 Kroger peanut butter  2.49  (for dad)
2 Kroger wheat bread  .78ea (for dad)
2 boxes cookies  1.09ea (for dad)

Total OOP:  $61.21 (my part was $43.87)
Not sure how much I saved:  reciept says  a whopping  $3.48

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Busy Week Last Week!

I missed posting on time this week...I have been sick and then I shared with some of the kids.  Plus we were getting ready for 4-H Project Achievement which met over the weekend.  Whew!  We're done with that now (til next year)  I'll post my shopping trips for last week after I get caught up on some other things this week.  I did shop last week but didn't really try to get the best possible prices - I was going for the 'get in and get out quick' shopping trip, which I did, but didn't save much money...